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The audience are the users in our apps who may see your ad. Choosing the right audience can help you improve your ads' performance. There are 2 approaches when thinking about your audience:

Narrow Targeting: The system will find the best customers according to your specific targeting settings, then show your ads to them. Learn more about Ad Targeting or Custom Audience.

Broad Targeting: The system will find the best people without any pre-defined parameters. Just leave the targeting options blank and our intelligent algorithm will help you find potential customers that you are unaware of.

Ecomdy Ads Manager supports the following targeting dimensions:

If you are advertising an age-restricted product or service, or the content of your ad may not be suitable for younger users, it is especially important to use our targeting options.

AudienceIncludeCreate a Lookalike or Custom Audience (Customer file, Engagement, App Activity, Website Traffic, Shops Activity, Lead Generation, Business Account)
ExcludeExclude Lookalike or Custom Audiences
DemographicsGenderMale, Female
Age13-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+
LocationDeliver to users based on their location: Country/Region, State/Province, City, and Designated Market Area/DMA (US Only)
LanguageDeliver to users based on app language
Household IncomeDeliver ads to users based on household income (US Only)
Spending PowerDeliver ads to users based on the user’s purchase behavior through TikTok ads
Interests and BehaviorsInterestsDeliver to users based on their higher interaction with certain Interests. For example: "Gaming"
Purchase IntentDeliver to "in-market" users who are actively researching or purchasing one specific category of product or service. For example: "Travel Intent"
BehaviorsDeliver ads based on the user's recent in-app Behavior such as interactions with videos or creators. Video behaviors include watching, liking, commenting, and sharing videos by category. For example: "Food", "Fashion". Creator interactions include following or viewing creator profiles by category. For example: "Travel", "Sports"
HashtagsDeliver ads to users who have engaged with hashtags over the past 7 days