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Ecomdy Ads Manager Platform Structure

Ads run on Ecomdy Ads Manager are structured into 3 parts: Campaigns, Ad Groups, and Ads. Understanding how your campaigns are structured will help you better set up target audiences, allocate your budget and design creative. This will allow you to expand your ad reach, improve your ad performance and ultimately achieve your campaign goals.

Below we will go through how these three work together to create a successful advertising campaign.

About the Campaign Level

The first step to running ads on Ecomdy Ads Manager is to create a Campaign. This means you need to also determine your campaign objectives (or goals), which are the final results you want your ads to achieve.

Please refer to create a campaign for more details.

Within each campaign, you will have multiple ad groups, which will enable you to optimize your ads and measure performance. Let's take a look at that next.

About the Ad Group Level

You can set specific ad placements, audiences, target audiences, campaign budgets, schedule, optimization goals, and bids for each ad group at the ad group level. Here are the basic steps for setting up your ad group:

  1. ​Set your target audience
  2. ​Set up budget and schedule
  3. ​Set bidding method

The ad group level is a lot of the action takes place in this process, and is super critical for determining how your ads will run.

Please refer to Create an Ad group for more details.

About the Ad Level

Ads are the content that you ultimately present to the target audience. Here are the basic steps for setting up your ad group:

  • ​Upload your media/creative
  • Set your display name and profile image
  • Add text, including copy and call-to-action buttons
  • Choose product

Please refer to Create an Ads for more details.

This is the last part of the Ecomdy Ads structure. Now that you have a general idea of how setting up a campaign looks like, you are ready to start creating and optimizing your ads.